Near, Mid, Far Field Speakers: Why you should(n’t) care. speakers

If there was ever a set of misused terms in acoustics, then it’s "near field", "mid field", and "far field" speakers.

Don’t get me wrong. 

There’s a useful distinction to be made between various sizes of speakers.

But it actually has nothing to do with what near...

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Is placing your speakers half-way between floor and ceiling a bad idea? speakers

In my last video I talked about finding the right size computer screen for your home studio setup (it’s actually a speaker placement question).

As a follow up, our fellow no-voodoo brother Ben C. asked me what happens though when your room is exactly 8 feet high and you end up placing...

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Upgrade to bigger speakers or get a sub? speakers

Are you getting enough low end extension from your speakers?

Or do they start to drop off where things get interesting, and you’re wondering if it’s worth upgrading to something bigger. 

So you can really feel that punch in the chest and the bass in your gut.

Usually you...

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Speaker Size vs Room Size: Looking At The Science speakers

If you’re searching for a new speaker for your studio, you’ve probably wondered what the best size for your room is.

Should you get a speaker with a 5-inch woofer? Or maybe 6-inch? Or maybe even 8-inch?

What about speakers with a horizontal driver layout instead of a vertical...

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ADAM Audio “Behind Closed Doors“ speakers

If you had the chance to get an inside look at a loudspeaker company like ADAM Audio, what would you want to see?

If you didn’t have to be “politically correct“ and truly got to go behind the scenes, what would you want to know?

Yesterday, I got the chance to do just that.


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Acoustics Insider Feature On SonicScoop speakers

I’m sure you’ve heard the advice that you should always, and under all circumstances place your speakers at some apparently magic distance from the front wall.

If you’ve tried it and found that it sounds like crap, you’re not alone!

In fact it’s such bad advice, that...

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