Having Trouble Finding The Best Bass Trap For Your Room? bass traps and low frequency control

Are you having trouble finding the right bass trap for your studio?

You know you need more low end control, so you go online and you google "bass traps". But there are just so many different products and designs out there and they all sort of promise the same thing!

"Best bass trap on the...

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The Real Reason You Place Bass Traps In Corners (It’s Not Why You Think) bass traps and low frequency control

I’m sure you’ve read or heard this somewhere before:

“You need to put your bass traps in the corners because that’s where the bass energy builds up. You can hear it when you play some bass heavy music and stick your head in the corner. That’s where your bass traps...

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The Best (And Only) Insulation Material You Need For DIY Acoustic Absorbers bass traps and low frequency control

It’s a bit ridiculous.

There are about a million different kinds of insulation material available. Some made of mineral wool, some of fiberglass, and even hemp or recycled materials. And then there’s foam! Basotec, pyramid foam, etc.

Choosing the right kind for your DIY absorber can...

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Fixing The Low End In Your Studio Without Knowing Acoustics bass traps and low frequency control

I’ve realized that a lot of you guys are having trouble with the bass in your studios, making mixing the low end feel like a guessing game sometimes.

Believe me, I’ve been there.

One time in particular is burned into my memory. I tried to show off this sick tune I was working on to my...

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