Bass Traps: Low vs High Density Insulation for Deep Absorbers

bass traps and low frequency control

Let’s be real—building your own bass traps sounds easy… until you start digging into insulation materials.

High-density? Low-density? 6,000 Pascals?

Before you know it, you’re knee-deep in forum posts with your brain ready to explode.

It often feels like everyone’s got an opinion, but none of them agree.

Believe me, I’ve seen it all.

Some folks swear by high-density insulation for bass traps.

Others say low-density is the only way to go.

So who’s right?

You want your traps to work, not just look good in the corner.

You don’t have time to waste on materials that won’t give you that clean, controlled low end.

And the wrong choice can cost you—Not just in money, but in weeks of frustration when your mixes STILL don’t translate.

So what’s the answer?

Here’s the good news: it’s actually simpler than most people make it.

In my latest video, I break down exactly what works and what doesn’t when it comes to insulation materials for DIY bass traps.



"How to correctly place your listening position and speakers, no matter what room you're in."

  • Find the correct wall to face in your home studio
  • Optimize the low end and minimize reflection effects
  • Get the distance between wall and speakers right
  • Get a stereo image like on really good headphones

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